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In the Dark, The Quest For Sustainable Power


A darkness is on the horizon. No electricity, no oil, no power. Scary thought huh. What happens to us when oil runs out? Can you imagine nothing to fuel our cars, airplanes, and other forms of transportation leading to a decline in farming and food production?

The future itself can appear scary and thoughts of humanity itself will fall into decline. The richer countries taking from third world countries to protect themselves; the third world countries slowly fading in hunger. We need to find sustainable power and we need it fast; our very existence depends upon it.

Luckily there are many other alternatives of energy out there as long as we look away from our oil addiction. Here are a few alternatives and food for thought.

Solar Power

When we think of alternative energy resources, solar power immediately comes to mind. Evidently when we talk of solar power, we speak of harnessing the sun’s energy. This solar power is transformed into electric current with the use of photovoltaics that concentrate solar power. There are also other technologies which are currently in the developmental and experimental stage. Solar energy works well for domestic electricity supply.

Wind Power

Employed for ages with remnants of its bygone past still evident in Northwestern Europe, the Wind Mill is making a come back. The best thing about the power of the wind is that it can never be depleted. It is natural, all around us and all we have to do is construct wind farms and then everything’s done. Economically utilizing the power of the wind makes sense. It is an inexpensive form of energy.

Water Power

Tropical countries use hydroelectricity as their source of power, using the water’s gravitational force which flows from above. This is a great alternative for energy and it is a whole lot cheaper than other alternatives. It is environmentally safe because hydroelectric plants do not emit dangerous substances in the air or the water. It is pure nature. Fossil fuel driven power plants emit dangerous gases into the air while plants that are hydroelectrically driven are proven to emit a much lesser degree of greenhouse gases.

Nuclear Energy

Another source of alternative energy is nuclear power. Nuclear reactors can generate steam energy by heating the water thus converting water into steam and then converting the steam into electricity. Nuclear energy are widely used in vessels and ships from all over the world.

Geothermal Power

Geothermal power is the heat that is being harnessed from down below from the earth’s surface. This is another way of making conventional power and not having to use fossil driven plants which are much more costly to operate. This power is very feasible and another environmental friendly alternative source of power driven by nature itself.

One big geothermal plant can power up to one whole urban community, supplying all the power it needs while a small geothermal plant can power up a small village. One good thing about natural sources such as this one is that a geothermal power plants do not harm the air or the ozone layer because they do not emit poisonous gasses while in operation.

Using any of these alternative power sources can help us and protect our planet. These solutions are cost effective and are much less harmful to the earth. Using bio-fuel and using alternative power sources can be a way to save the earth and our future.

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